Thursday, June 7, 2012

Oregano Oil? What Do I Do with That?

OREGANO OIL, did I just fall off the Oregano Truck?  Why hadn't I heard about this wonder oil before?

Last summer a friend of mine told me about Oregano Oil and how it is an immune system strengthener and that it was also good for several other healthy benefits, skin, etc.  So, being who I am, I went home and looked it up immediately, started talking to other people who had used this fragrant oil as well and I began to comprise a list of the pros and cons.   Let's get started -

Oregano Oil was used by Ancient Greeks, as well as some others. However, they were one of the first. The Greeks saw the medicinal value this oil had and how it affected their health.  It was used as an anti-fungal, pain reliever, anti-bacterial, an inflammation reducer and it was known to successfully fight infections, which I imagine with all their fighting, they needed a good natural remedy!

Hippocrates used Oregano as an Antiseptic, Respiratory Cure and Stomach Ailments. Hippocrates said "Let Food be thy Medicine and Let Medicine be thy Food".   I think they were onto something!!

This herb is closely related to the Marjoram herb and is also known as wild Marjoram. 


Skin Issues -This oil helped to keep my Roseaca under control due to it's ability to knock out organisms that were hard at work causing flare ups. I used this topically as well as in my tea. Once again, 2 drops was sufficient. Always read the instructions on the bottle as some tinctures recommend mixing with an oil.  This works great as well for skin infections and itchy skin.

Digestive Issues - Destroys organisms that supply fuel for tummy troubles.  I used 2 drops in some warm water with lemon or with tea for a calm and properly digesting system. Oregano Oil contains large properties of Thymol and Carvacrol. These relax your digestive system.

Immune System - Strengthens your system and since it's working on your gut simultaneously, you are automatically improving your health. Your gut is the tell all of your health and your immune system. When your body is keeping mucous and your sinuses are feeling congested,  try Oregano Oil for 3-5 days and notice a breathing difference. Same for your lungs, feeling congested, a few drops in juice, tea, water, and voila! you should begin feeling better!

Ladies! Oregano Oil has been said to reduce the bodies ability to absorb iron.  This caught my eye and immediately as many women are low in iron to begin with. So, if you are using this oil on a regular basis, you may want to take an iron supplement. PREGNANT WOMEN SHOULD NOT USE OREGANO OIL.  BABIES NEED IRON!

Some people have allergies to Oregano, Mints, Basil, and Thyme.  These are all in the same family and may give you allergic reaction you didn't count on! So, avoid!!   You may want to avoid Marjoram too!

As with any herb, oil, supplement, if you are not sure if its right for you, talk to a Naturopath or Dr. and get another opinion.

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