Book Nook

Below are suggestions for books ranging from Food, Classics, Spritiual, Travel and Finance and More.  Most of these books I have read, a few I woud like to read and a few were suggested to me. 

Books About Nutrition, Recipes and Food Education

Food Rules- Michael Pollen (one of my very favorites. easy read, most common sense book ever)

Get Naked Fast- Diana Stobo's; This book also has some tasty recipes in addition to teaching you to strip your cabinets of the foods that are zapping your energy and making you feel sluggish.

The Mediterranean Prescription- Angelo Acquista; Excellent reminder of what goes in thy mouth, stays in the body and either contributes to disease or fights to prevent. 

The Jungle Effect - Daphne Miller; Documented Travels to different areas of the world showing the results of studies about the correlation between the indigenous people and lack of certain diseases due to what they are eating.

Everything Juicing Book - Jacobs, Johnson, Cormier; This is a fun and informative education book for Juicing that gives you so many recipes for different conditions and circumstances.  This book is packed with healthy ideas for your skin, hair, respiratory, digestive system and more.

Favorite Cook Books!

Avec Eric - Eric Ripert; Eric travels the world and returns to tell you of the great recipes he has learned. What I love about this book, is he pairs his meals with the appropriate wines! The Roasted Pork Loin with Wild Mushrooms, Garlic and Sage Pan Jus, a must try!!

Cooking with Italian Grandmothers - Jessica Theroux, Intro by Alice Waters; This is a great compliation of recipes from region to region, Grandmother to Grandmother, town to town. This book gives you 3 menu options from each of the 12 towns visited. After reading the Foreward and Introduction, it's almost impossible to not fall in love with this book and it's recipes! From Toscana, the Tomato Bread Soup calls my name!

Barefoot in Paris - Ina Garten; If cooking French Food is a little intimidating to you as it is to me, this book will help ease you through your cooking pains.  You can really hear Ina's voice calmly guiding you through her recipes and I love how she takes you to Paris by telling her stories of a French Table, French Flowers, Cooking Classes.  One of my favorite recipes is the simple Lemon Chicken with Croutons.

Apples for Jam - Tessa Kiros; This is a very creative keepsake cookbook as it has numerous stories about the memories these recipes and foods hold for her and several others.  Each section is color coded to match the theme of recipes and it's just a beautifully written cookbook.  I would consider this a "Girls Cookbook" for certain.  The Winter Squash Pizza looks good, tastes good and is good for you!!

A Very Merry Cookie Party - Barbara Grunes & Virginia Van Vynckt;  Do not be fooled into thinking this is for Christmas time only.  You can make cookies anytime of the year and this book has some very yummy cookies!  This book also guides you through how to plan and host a cookie exchange.  I have several favorite recipes, but so far the biggest hit has been the Cinnamon Chip-Chocolate Chip Cookies.  These cookies get better every day that goes by, so don't eat them all in one sitting! 

Delicious Dips - Diane Morgan; - This little book has packed a punch of flavor everytime I've used it!  There are many dips to choose from with a wide range of variety for all.  Some are Traditional and some are not.  She did a very nice job balancing her recipes flavors so that one flavor is not overly dominate that you miss the other tastes!  Three of my favorites are the Baked Artichoke Parmesan Dip and the Roasted Red Pepper, Sun Dried Tomato and Basil Spread and the Spicy Black Bean Dip with Chorizo!!

Teens Cook - Meagan & Jill Carle;  An easy recipe book for Teens who like to cook, like to eat and enjoy a variety of yummy foods!

Good Reads!

Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
Blink - Malcolm Gladwell
East of Eden - John Steinbeck
Homework for Grown Up's - E. Foley & B. Coates
Iliad - Homer 
Ishmael - Daniel Quinn - one of my favorites
Longitude - Dava Sobel
Many Lives, Many Masters - Brian L. Weiss, M.D. - i was surprised how much i loved this book
Odyssey - Homer - Translated by Robert Fagles
Rick Steve's Italy 2011 - Rick Steves
Screwtapes Letters - C.S. Lewis - very entertaining
The Primal Teen - Barbara Strauch
The Words You Should Know - David Olsen
There is a God - Anthony Flew
Walden - Henry David Thoreau
What Happens When We Die - Sam Parina, M.D., PhD - if you have a curiousity about this topic... read it